
Showing posts from November, 2017

Facebook...add a pray button

Good well + politics is not good well...

Thanking is not good when the thanking was out of context.

Sneezing is always a blessing

a word is a flat thing....[]=god%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=is%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=only%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=one%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=islam%7Ctyped

Jews deserves recognition...they are excelling..on all matters

Mr Cinema and

Because its Friday and because it is before Saturday&Sunday Today we have continuation...

people of the cave

I don't fear Allah and treat you good. why is that??

Islam in the windy wind
If Malaysia is truly Asia...then we have to put things into their ultimate context.... Egypt is the country... God Bless You All. the safest country in the world
Good morning all Condoms are devilish Straight to hell God bless you all haram

I have never took a Vote...and i will never take.


Did you know that God like to play games??? Yes that is true...and his preferred game is”give me everything...i will give it back and more....

God prays on our prophet Mohammed

Lord Jesus Peace Be Upon Him Says " Who without a Sin through me a rock"

In Islam

I never ever heard that Jews steal, that is not possible...they borrow

eyes are open

So pharaoh tortured Jews...we don’t do that


Kosher is Halal but we don’t eat it

Bon Apetit

I hate Nazis..whatever their skin


There is no such thing as saying the right's saying the goodwords

good word

In religion I don't search for similarities I search resemblances


I don't believe charity or anything similar

its just a show...

Muslims do not believe interest is Halal...why don't you get it?

toxic financing

Our values is the Holy Quran...and every single piece of it..


Allah is the overall context.

Our prophet all Noah..built a ship and there were no good news in the spectrum.... Prophet Noah

True faith is not restricted

as long as there is allah

Trust in God